Business Blogging Vancouver
Business Blogging Vancouver

Business blogging, or corporate blogging is the act of writing content for a website in order to support the main content of a website and to keep content fresh. Think of it as “article writing,” if you prefer. The whole point of it is to keep your website looking current and up to date. It can also be used to maintain search engine rankings and secure new keywords. Fresh content is also a ranking signal because search engines want to display the most current information on their SERPs (search engine result pages). Reason being is that people want to see fresh, current information too.

What is the Point of Blogging? Do You Really Need To?

Every single website should have a blog that is regularly updated. When you blog, you demonstrate your knowledge about a particular subject. The more you write, the more you show you know what you are talking about. This also shows relevancy which is also a major ranking signal. Blogging can also help to create a fan base and if you give a good impression, it will help you to turn visitors into clients and sales.

Business Blogging VS Personal Blogging – What’s the Difference?

Here is where things get tricky, and business blogging and personal blogging become easily confused. The main difference is that business blogging is where you are always circling back to a product or service you offer as a company, rather than as an individual. A personal blog can be thought of as an online journal. Blogging can be both informative and social, but corporate blogging tends to be a bit less social than personal blogging. A good blog area of a website will have a mixture of the corporate voice as well as staff voices. Staff voices should still maintain the corporate vision and principles, however, the point of them is to show off each staff member’s unique voice / personality. There are some neat things that you can do with bot types of blogging where you can integrate them into social aspects like a newsletter or social media. It is important to mention that a blog is not a newsletter, though the content may be similar.

The Social Side of Blogging – How a Blog Can Benefit Your Social Media Presence

Now that you know what Business blogging can do for you, let’s look at the social benefits. Business blogging is a great way to build up a reputation as an organization or author. People connect to people more than corporations, so having a blog is advantageous. It also gives visitors a chance to participate, ask questions or just leave general comments. Replying to comments is a great way to show you care. It’s also a great way to obtain feedback and develop a rapport with your visitors. In addition to all of those good things, it also encourages visitors to share your blog on various social networks or even link to it. Sharing content through social media will increase your market reach. All of this will naturally strengthen your brand and reputation. Sharing your content on social networks can also increase your visibility in social search.

Contact Us for More Information About Our Business Blogging Services today

We hope that you see the importance of blogging and all of the the reasons why you need to blog. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Maintain keyword rankings
  • Secure new keywords
  • Increase clients
  • Increase sales
  • Improve market reach
  • Strengthen brand reputation

If you don’t have the time to do your own business blogging, we are happy to do it for you. If you are local to Vancouver, BC (or elsewhere and really want to work with us), you can contact us by email, by phone at 604-779-8438, fill out the form to the right or chat with us online right now. 

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