So you’d like some internet marketing done for your business’s online presence for 2015. You sign up for various social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. You add company profiles to local review, Google Maps and local directory sites. Say you even have some offline marketing initiatives going, which is great, by the way, but what now?
Build a Website That Will Grow With You
Well, now you need a website, but not just any website. You need a scalable website that can grow with you as your company expands and offers more products or services. You will also need a website made so that it can keep a flurry of website content organized.
Make Sure Your Website Is PDA / Mobile Compatible
In addition to keeping your website organized, you will also want to make sure that it is mobile friendly. Since we are now in the mobile age, your website also needs to be fully retina ready, responsive and look great on mobiles, tablets and other mobile devices.
Search Engine and Visitor Compatibility, Conversion Optimization
Once your website is mobile compatible, you will also need to make sure that it is search engine compatible and user friendly so that it can be found and easily navigated through, both by search engines and visitors. You may also want to make sure that your calls to actions (CTAs) and any advertising you want to display are placed intelligently throughout your website for maximum leads, clicks and conversions / sales.
Hire a Local Company to Build Your Website that Understands SEO
So it’s time to do some homework, and hire the right web design or marketing company to build you your website. You will definitely want to choose a company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO). A good SEO company will be able to do all of the above, as well as create a solid website structure (categorize your content) so that your website is findable. They will also be able to suggest blog content, integrate in your CTAs, social media, newsletter and other important features which will make your website perform well for a minimum of 5 years from launch. You will of course have to maintain your website and keep creating new, optimized content and keep participating in your online and offline marketing initiatives.
Where to Go From Here? Create an Internet Marketing Plan for 2015
It may seem like you are done here, but in contrast, you have just started. Now that your website is ready, you will need a solid online marketing plan and a resource to put that plan into practice. You are busy, and have your business to run and will need to hire an Internet Marketing company. This is actually a lot better than hiring an in house marketer, especially for the online portion, because in house marketers don’t have the same level of experience in most cases.
How to Choose an Internet Marketing Company
It can be difficult narrowing down which company to hire. It is always best to request a real evaluation of your website, even a mini one to get an idea of the different levels of experience each agency has to offer. If you are local to Vancouver, BC, SEO Candyland has some very intersting and highly successful methods that will get you where you want to be. If you are a startup, a small business, a medium business or even an enterprise business, their knowledgeable specialists and strategists can help you meet your yearly targets.
Find a Good Internet Marketing Company and Hire Them
These points below are a quick recap of this article:
- Build a scalable, mobile, visitor and search engine friendly website
- Build a website that will convert well
- Build a website that integrates various marketing initiatives
- Hire a local (preferably) marketing company to create and execute a marketing plan
It is time to reach out to various internet marketing companies and find one that fits your needs, is knowledgeable, friendly and has great client care and availability. When dealing with this line of work, you want the best, not the cheapest. Most good companies will be affordable and have a clear action plan in order to deliver results. If you are low on budget, but find a company you want to work with see if they can negotiate a different type of payment plan with you. A good internet marketing company will work with you, alongside you, and make sure that their marketing service is affordable and that the timing is right for you. You can start off and contact the folks over at SEO Candyland right now and request a free 30 minute marketing consultation, a mini website audit or a mini campaign audit of your choice. You can also email them, call them at 604-779-8438, or talk to them via the online chat.