Need a marketing plan? Now is the perfect time of year to take a look back on your plan from last year. What have you achieved? What is still left to do? Did you reach your goals?
If you aren’t happy with your past marketing efforts consider meeting with us so we can review what has been done and offer suggestions for this year. If you are happy with your results and met your goals perhaps you have set more ambitious ones for this year and aren’t sure how it’s all going to come together. No matter what your situation is, we can help you create a marketing plan and stick to it.
What are the Key Ingredients for a Marketing Plan?
A marketing plan is a vital step in creating a solid marketing strategy. It can be difficult to know what to put into your marketing plan for 2014. Here is a quick outline of common areas that you should consider adding to your plan. If this is Greek to you don’t worry, we can help!
So How do You Put Things Into Action?
The first thing to do is get organized. Once you have your marketing plan completed, break it up into tasks and add them to a project management system. Hint, click the link to discover Basecamp. We love it over here and have been using it for the past 6 years! Once you have added everything into your project management system assign people tasks, add in any relevant information, set due dates and create milestones. It sounds simple, and it is. That’s why it works!
Some of Our Marketing Services
Even though we specialize in SEO we offer complimentary website and marketing services. We realize that businesses prefer to have one company to handle their online initiatives. It does make things simper and more cost effective. That being said we do bring in specialists in different areas and work with them directly to give our clients an all-inclusive marketing service.
Contact us for Help Creating and Sticking to Your Marketing Plan for 2014
We realize that you have your business to run and may not have the time or resources in order to create and stick to a marketing plan. Maybe you just need to work with a marketing agency like us who understands what you are trying to achieve and knows how to turn your goals into reality. We are here to support you and listen to your challenges. We will come up with realistic solutions, track progress and report results back to you. Get started today and contact us by phone at 604-779-8438, by email or chat with us online right now. Happy 2014!