Sometimes we get to choose who we have on our marketing team and other times our team is chosen for us. The biggest benefit of choosing your own team is that you can form a team with those at the top of their industry. Highly skilled teams are very efficient and cost effective.

Inexperienced Team Members Working in an Experienced Team – Make Unbalanced Teams Work

When teams are unbalanced it creates issues with production and the team members enjoying their work environment. Morale will suffer when the experienced team members find it difficult to work with those who are not at their level and who don’t know many of the important things that are necessary to get the work done properly. It is up to the Marketing Manager or the person overseeing things to set the tone and keep the team together.

Experienced Marketing Team Members May Feel Strain When Working With Inexperienced Team Members

Inexperienced marketing team members can create work for experienced team members when the ones with less experience attempt to create a strategy or when they complete work that needs extensive review before it can be implemented. This is very time consuming and frustrating for the more experienced team members and creates tension when there isn’t enough accommodation provided for the change in working dynamics. When additional time is spent coaching less experienced team members, production is slowed and targets must be adjusted. With patience, excellent communication skills, and potentially some outside help (e.g. from your HR Manager or a marketing agency), you can get around these issues.

Patience, Guidance and Excellent Communication Can Help Bring Balance Back in a Marketing Team

It’s important that teams are respectful, professional and patient, especially when dealing with inexperienced team members. A good attitude can go a long way and a certain amount of finesse ob both sides is needed when someone less experienced joins an experienced marketing team. The inexperienced team member should be open to learning from the more experienced team members and have a good attitude as well. Here are some tips from both sides:

Experienced Team Inexperienced Team
  • Lay work out in simple terms; avoid using jargon or industry lingo
  • Break tasks down into manageable tasks and learning opportunities
  • Practice patience
  • Show specific examples of what is expected
  • Set workflow expectations so that the less experienced team members have awareness of the big picture
  • Address concerns directly with the person / people involved, but don’t wait too long to bring concerns up to whoever is overseeing things if concerns linger
  • Encourage and support those with less experience and find out from their perspective what would be helpful for them (everyone has a different learning style)
  • Do what is asked of your first; only make suggestions once you’re familiar with what is going on
  • Understand that the team has work they need you to do; don’t assume you need to propose changes right off the bat
  • Be open to learning and ask if something is unclear or you’re not sure; they know you have less experience and messing things up just creates more work for everyone
  • Learn from mistakes – everyone makes them, so refrain from pointing fingers and getting
    defensive. Even experienced team members make mistakes 🙂
  • Accept guidance, stay humble and keep a positive attitude
  • Address concerns directly with the person / people involved, but don’t wait too long to bring
    concerns up whoever is overseeing things if concerns linger
  • Learn as much as possible independently before leaning on the experienced team – lean, don’t
    expect the experienced team to do your work for you

We are an Experienced Marketing Team and Our Agency and Can Work With Experienced and Inexperienced Teams

As an experienced inbound marketing agency, we have worked with other experienced teams as well as inexperienced teams. We understand both sides of the spectrum and appreciate both sides. Each contributes value in different ways and we can help you to get the value from both.

Make a Checklist When Working on a Team With Different Experience Levels

An experienced marketing team can learn from new, less or inexperienced team members and inexperienced teams can learn from those with more experience. The bottom line; learn how to work with both. Having an effective checklist of expectations and online marketing best practices can strengthen communication, improve work satisfaction and preserve morale. Every team has its own strengths and weaknesses but there is usually a way to work together in harmony. Professional teams are like any relationship; they take work and commitment, and sometimes need outside help to get back on track. Contact us today for help with your marketing needs or request a quote below.

About the Author

SEO Candyland

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