Technical SEO might sound intimidating, but with a little explanation, you’ll see that it’s not really that bad 🙂 If you have been following our blog then you should already have a basic understanding about what internet marketing is, why you need it and know about some of the inner workings.

Technical SEO – Create a Strong Website Foundation

If you are new to our blog, you may want to check out some other posts once you are done reading this one. If you are ready to jump in, then let’s talk technical SEO. Think of this as a way to set and maintain the foundation of your website, so that you have a strong base to build off of and grow.

Technical SEO Checklist – Code, Content, Design and More

There are quite a few things involved with technical SEO. Each element includes a form of code, content, design, usability or search engine compatibility. Each one of those areas has its own set of ranking factors. We are constantly improving on our error detection and search engine optimization techniques.

How Does Your Website Stack Up to these Items?

Here is a high-level list of things that we create, edit, optimize and implement as part of a full-service SEO package. (All of our SEO packages are full service – the only difference between them is how much work we do per month, this way all clients get the same complete service, regardless of their budget. Here is a quick list of things involved in technical SEO:

  1. Website Structure – Webpages, Image, Video. Does the physical match the visual? Are PDFs being handled correctly? Do I have media galleries? Are my images large enough?
  2. Sitemaps – XML, HTML, ROR, RSS, Image, Video. Are these sitemaps optimized and added to a sitemap index file, robots.txt and Google Webmaster Tools?
  3. Page Load Time. Have I optimized client and server-side speed factors? Do I need a CDN?
  4. Server Location – Match Server Location to Website Audience Location. Related – Do I have Google Maps set up and integrated into my website and Google+ (MyBusiness / Formerly Places)?
  5. Website Errors & Redirects – 404s, Soft 404s, 302s, 303s, 403s, 503s. Have I installed a program to check up down server errors so that they can be corrected? Do I have redirects in place? Do I have an optimized error page?
  6. Website Security – Lock down your website to reduce vulnerabilities. Do I have an outdated CMS, plugins or code that is vulnerable to attacks? Have I installed a firewall, set chmod permissions or masked my login URL? Is my login secure?
  7. Content – Hidden Text or Non-Indexable Content, Code to Text Ratio, Duplicate Content. Can search engines read my content? Do I have enough content? Is it duplicated anywhere?
  8. Code – JavaScript links, CSS that creates non-indexable content, character encoding, valid markup, never-ending webpages. My website may look nice and work, but is it properly coded for search engines?
  9. There are many more items, but this is a blog post 🙂 To get more, hire us for SEO! 😀

Contact Us for More Information or Help With Technical SEO for Your Website

Each one of the elements above is an involved task in itself. Depending on the size of a website, it can take a day to a month to properly identify, create, optimize and implement each task. If you are unsure how your website stacks up to these technical SEO requirements, contact us for more information via email, call us at 604-779-8438 or chat with us online right now. We can do a technical audit, (with implementation) for your website and get it back on track.

About the Author

SEO Candyland

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